Monday, August 10, 2009

An Open Letter to DC From America's Largest Special Interest Group ...

To All Career Politicians, Their Lackeys and the Status Quo,I respectfully request your attention and know that you will be willing to listen, comprehend and act on my behalf as I am a member of this nation's largest special interest group. Which group you may ask? Though I belong to several . . I am a small business owner, daughter of a mother who is reaching retirement age, a business owner with a stake in the health care sector (we own a health care staffing firm) and a fiscal conservative among others. But the one you need concern yourself with is that I am an American, Voting, Taxpaying Citizen . . . a card carrying member of this Nation's Largest Special Interest Group.I and the millions of other members are the voice you should be hearing, loud and clear. We are the ones who have entrusted you with the most sacred of our possessions, our voice and our vote. Our vote and our tax dollars have given you unimaginable power and privileges and in turn you have run up an unpayable debt and are leveraging away the very things that make us all American. Somewhere along the way you began to believe you were given a blank check and Cart Blanche to do as you wish. I personally accept responsibility for these problems as I have let you believe that you had in fact been afforded rights that are in no way afforded to you. I have let you sell your campaign promises away to the highest bidder and have said little, but no more. We are the ones who have given our voice to you, most of you for far too long, and we are the ones who are now taking our voice back.We have funded your reign of spending and enabled you to be unaccountable, we have in fact created our own worst nightmare. That is no longer feasible, to take a term from the Washington playbook. You have taken something that people all across the world die for, a chance to be part of a democracy, and tarnished it until the restoration you have left with us is both too expensive and too hard to fathom. But make no mistake this is one journey we will gladly undertake for the sake of our Republic. It has now become a choice you must make, to stand with us for what is right and just or to continue on your current path of the status quo. That choice is yours to make but know this . . Your choice is now of little concern. We your largest special interest group are no longer willing to sit silently. You have broken our trust and you seem to be working tirelessly to break the spirit of what makes this country great. Instead of listening to those of us who endowed you with the greatest of position you believe that you know better than we what is best for ourselves, our families, and our communities. You have chosen to believe the American dream is expendable but we know better. The only things expendable are your careers in Washington.The Washington way you have grown accustomed to is no more. I have lost my voice over time, believing that one person could not make a difference. You continued on believing that my voice would make no difference. We were both wrong and no longer will I remain silent and no longer do you have the luxury of not listening.For if those we have elected to be our voice can not showcase the basic principles of what our Founders foresaw for us, then it is time for us to make you accountable. I am not asking that you agree with my viewpoints, that you vote my way on every issue or even that you respect my opinion because none of those things are required under our Constitution. However, you are required to hear my voice, to let me speak without fear and to know that you do owe me the truth of your decisions and choices. If you want to continue to be a leader of the greatest nation on Earth then you will start to act like a representative worthy of the honor.A leader by its very definition is someone who inspires us. From where I stand now the real leaders are far and few between. In their place I see career politicians, not public servants, who think in election cycles. Towing the party line is your status quo, not honoring the will the of the people and certainly not inspiring a nation.You have taken our money and our trust for far too long without question and the time is now that we unite in a single voice that you will not be able to ignore. Political parties are being put aside, as this is no longer an issue of opinions or ideological beliefs. This is much larger than any one issue that could divide us; this is our freedom, our liberty and our voice. From this moment forward our vote is no longer one you count on. Beginning now you will earn the votes you seek with honesty, integrity and respect for the offices you serve. If you cannot earn my vote there are many people who will find the call to public service that will earn that vote. Please consider this notice duly served and remember that no lobbyist or special interest group in America is more powerful or more important to you than that of the American, Voting, Taxpaying Citizen . . .Sincerely Yours,Nichole-In constant pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness . . .


  1. Considering how young you are, I have to say, you have awakened (is that correct English). I wish more young people would wake up. Great blog site.

  2. Hey there. Welcome to SGP blogger club. I am putting you on the list right now. And I am following your blog. Great blog.
