Thursday, July 30, 2009

"All of a sudden he just started acting strange. . . I guess I was just sober"

Back in those wonderful days of college . . when we lived free and without a care in the world (where did those 10 yrs go?), my roommates and I found ourselves using this line a little too often . . You all know what I mean, everything looks better after a few drinks, everyone seems funnier and their ideas seem brilliant. . . but then the morning and the hangover come.

I find the same is coming true for the Obama Administration and his legions of "drunken admirers." Because like with any relationship people were way too eager to put their best foot forward when Obama came courting, not asking the hard questions right away. (Of course when you are drunk on the kool-aid their campaign was selling, I imagine it must have looked like a beautiful relationship). I mean asking Obama "Are you sure your a moderate democrat?" or "What does redistribution of wealth mean?" or "Didn't your mother tell you that you were known by the company you keep?"would be like breaking the cardinal rule of dating . . as told to me by my mother by the way, "If you give him the milk for free he won't have to buy the cow." (Do I give away my southern roots? And can I just ask where our grandparents came up with sayings like this and why our parents felt the need to use them?) Anyway. . .

Millions of Americans found themselves being courted by their "Dream Date/Politician" and like all of us on a first date (and some more of that magical kool-aid), they had hope and the promise of sweet nothings in their ears to keep the romance going, through what seemed a never ending campaign. Here was a man who always said the right things, had the right look and was promising us that he would change our lives forever. And every day he just got better and better . . . sending thrills up the legs of his millions of admirers. He even got Republicans and Independent voters to cheat on their party, he was a Lothario with a bank account big enough to wine and dine his legions every night. America was on the first date of its dreams . . We just knew he was the one. .

And so on that fateful day in November millions of Americans decided to give it up to their "Dream Guy" and made his and their dreams come true. The drunken stupor of months of the "Chosen One" were all it took. So much for mom's advice . . the damage was done. And like the guy who doesn't call the next day or who becomes the Dr. Jekyll to the Mr. Hyde who wooed us the average American who voted for his sweet whispers of hope and change now find themselves, waiting for the man who promised he wouldn't be like all those before him . .

Suddenly 7 months later you find yourself seeing what you refused to see . . . that you were nothing more than a vote in the ballot box, a demographic to stand behind him at political rallies, a means to an end . .a notch on the bedpost. Yes, America unless you were a lover of our President before the campaign you have been dumped . . Replaced with those types he always returns to . .. You know Socialist, Marxist, Communist, Radicals, etc. . . None of the things you are.. You should have known such polar opposites could never be more than you were, that it was a relationship doomed to fail ...that he would only break your heart in the end.

So for those of you with morning after remorse . . who have woken to find your "Chosen One" acting strangely . . doing things that don't sound at all like your guy . . deal with it. . . the ones of us not wearing beer googles told you so. .

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